Stone Hearth Estates
110 20th Street, Suite 400, Gothenburg, NE

"She's Quite a Dish"
Ladies event May 26, 2024
It's probably been awhile since you have heard someone say, "She's quite a dish". Even though you might think we are referring to Mae West or Marilyn Monroe, we are not!
The dish we are referring to is one near and dear to your heart. Whether it is a vase, cup, serving bowl or plate used last Saturday we had the pleasure of hearing about your favorite 'dish'.
Thank you to Sylvia Musil, Program Director, her decorating gift and ability to make each dish special, Jo Atkinson and her skills on the computer, along with Tiffiny Stevens, Kitchen Director who treated us with delicious lemon posset and bit-sized British biscuits.
A special thank you to everyone that shared their treasure. We think that you all are "Quite a Dish"!

Photo Gallery from "She's Quite a Dish" Event!
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